jarvis johnson

Nasty Cooking

Horrifying Home Design 3 (w/ Chad Chad)

Getting Meta with JARVIS JOHNSON

thanks, i hate it

Scary TikTok Man Forces Children To Work Out (at 3am)

Troom Troom Is Actually The Worst Channel on YouTube

i bought my fake merch

Trying TikTok's Awful Cooking Hacks

Working 'For Free' on Tiktok

Tiktok Couple “Comedy”

Wasting Food For Clout

New Virtual Influencer Is Unbelievably Bad

Debunking Tiktok Conspiracies

Walmart and Target are going to war on tiktok

I Forced A Lawyer To Watch Judge Steve Harvey

Tiktok fiction is getting out of hand...

Gross TikTok Chef Crosses The Line

How To Make Women Uncomfortable

The 'Virtual Kpop Star' is Troubling

Trying Blossom’s Fake Food Life Hacks

Reacting To Crazy Smart Home Hacks

Dhar Mann Solves Racism

AI Celebrities Are Creepy and Weird

These Fake Animated Stories Have Gone Too Far (My Story Animated)